Scent Detection

Scent Detection Work

Harness your dog’s innate ability to smell with our specialized Scent Detection program, designed for dogs aged 4 months and older. This course lays a professional foundation for your dog, equipping them with skills used in tracking, search and rescue, and even narcotics detection. Discover your pet’s potential with our expert training!


Determine Eligibility
$ 0
  • Determine Drive
  • Recall Abilities
  • Scent Placement
  • Discuss Future Work
  • Course Discussion


Free Evaluation + 10 Private Lessons
$ 1499
  • Scent Familiarization
  • Container Detection
  • Interior Detection
  • External Detection
  • Buried Detection

why choose us?

Emily R.
Emily R.
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"Our German Shepherd just completed the 'Scent Detection' course and we couldn't be more proud. The trainers at Vertical K9 have honed his natural abilities and made learning fun for him. This training exceeded our expectations."
Matthew P.
Matthew P.
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"The scent detection training is truly remarkable. Our beagle's sniffing skills have significantly improved, and it's wonderful to see him so engaged and mentally stimulated. Vertical K9 trainers are clearly experts in their field."

Terms and Conditions

IMPORTANT NOTICE! Please attentively read the following. It outlines your rights and responsibilities while your dog(s) partake in our private training or group sessions and defines the expectations for the obedience programs provided by Vertical K9.

I, (the participant/owner of the dog), hereby acknowledge and consent to the subsequent terms regarding the services supplied by Vertical K9. I additionally absolve, renounce, release and agree not to institute legal proceedings against Vertical K9, including its officers, employees, agents, and representatives (hereinafter referred to as RELEASEES), for any liability, claim and/or cause of action emanating from any loss, damage or injury, inclusive of fatality, that transpires due to my engagement in the activities delineated below.

  1. The complete fee for the selected class/package is due at the commencement of the course.

  2. By endorsing this contract, you express your consent for your dog’s participation in private sessions or group classes as deemed appropriate by the trainer, and also to interact and train with other dogs, as assessed safe and advantageous by the trainer.

  3. Dogs participating must be up-to-date with their vaccinations. We necessitate a current DHPP vaccine, Bordetella and Rabies vaccine (if the dog is of age at the time of the class). Through signing this agreement, you affirm that your dog is up-to-date with his/her vaccinations. Each owner is responsible for preventing unwanted mating if his/her dog is not neutered or spayed, and/or if their dog or another participant’s dog is in heat.

  4. I comprehend that vaccines are not infallible and that a minor risk exists that my dog may acquire a contagious disease including kennel cough. I consent that in this event, I am liable for my own pet’s care and medical treatment and I will abstain from attending the class.

  5. I acknowledge and accept that while Vertical K9 exerts every effort to ensure the safe supervision and containment of dogs under their care, incidents, including but not limited to injury, loss, and death may transpire, and I furthermore absolve Vertical K9 and all Releasees and associates from any and all accountability.

  6. I agree to completely disclose any pre-existing injuries, medical conditions or behavioral problems my dog has prior to enrolling in any service offered by Releasees. Failure to disclose any behavioral issues may result in the requirement to attend a different class or expulsion from the class.

  7. In the event that my dog inflicts harm on another dog or person, I accept medical and legal responsibility for my dog’s actions and exempt the Releasees from any liability.

  8. The Releasees hereby have permission to use any photos taken of you and/or your dog during the class for promotional purposes. Owners’ and/or participants’ names will not be disclosed or printed.